PHILOS 1B03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Civil Disobedience, Inductive Reasoning

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Emphasis on the 2nd half but covers enire term. Topics: from start of the course, states of emergency and the rule of law; cole and charkaoui. Instrucions: provide short, one paragraph of eight of the following key terms. The term civil law" can mean diferent things, depending on context. First, it can be used to disinguish legal system that originate in roman law, called civil law systems, from legal systems that originate in english law, called common law systems. Canada is mainly a common law jurisdicion, but much of quebec law is of the civil law variety. Second, the term can be used to disinguish criminal law *add: the notwithstanding clause. The canadian consituion contains secion 33, which allows parliament or a provincial legislature to declare explicitly that a law it has passed, or is about to pass, will stand as valid law notwithstanding its conlict with a charter right.