PHILOS 1B03- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 78 pages long!)

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How and why myth shapes greek and rome. Be comfortable discussing questions of literature and genres. No individual authority over a myth (cid:523)it"s not set in stone(cid:524) Art: myth is relevant in community. Not mother to most keeps an eye on zeus ( but is unsuccessful most times ) Escorts the dead to the underworld travellers/ thieves. Athena - daughter of zeus ( not hera ) Aphrodite goddess of love, sexual attraction and desire. King of the underworld technically not a olympian (cid:523) he doesn"t live on mount olympus(cid:524) Background to iliad: myths of the trojans and greeks. Heroic past- stories of god and men. * they were re- told orally and that makes for inconsistencies in written copies* Repeated words and phrases (aka- epithets) place: swift- footed achilles, or owl- eyed athena. Epithets are adjectives repeatedly used to describe a hero, army, Possibly a random name given to a real person to hide their identity.