PHILOS 1B03 Midterm: State of Equality in Nature

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State of equality in nature (hobbes & locke) Hobbes: physical equality: humans are all equal physically because we all have physical limitations. However our power is limited because of your physique. There is only self preservation (desire for life, liberty, property, glory etc). and the ability to secure it. Also, if you can do something, you have the right to do it: natural state of human equality necessarily involves a state of total war, 1. Unlimited right to objects of desire: 2. Equality of (physical and intellectual ability to obtain x: 3. Not all people are equally disposed to kindness, deference: competition and conflict are equally inevitable, within a state of nature, you need the power to survive. State of nature: no rules, man vs man. Keep anxiety at bay: we value safety above absolute liberty. Freedom: natural law theory: humans are different, we are distinct, state of freedom (in nature) - individual liberty of thought and action :