PHILOS 1B03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Municipal Disinvestment, Sonia Sotomayor, Will Kymlicka

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Question 1: okin thinks the distinction between a public and private sphere is problematic for a number of reasons. Discuss her objections and give examples of ways in which a private sphere has allowed certain problems to persist for women. Private sphere: what happens in your home things we would not want the government to be involved with (ex = some family things, familial matters. Public sphere: what happens outside of your home, things we would want the government to be involved in. Question 2: nussbaum offers a theory of justice organized around human capabilities. Explain the capabilities approach, and explain why nussbaum thinks it is preferable to utilitarian and rawlsian theories of justice. Explain any three of her ten, and give an example for each of the kind of government rights or programs that might be instituted in order to foster or respect them. Normative capabilities that act as freedoms that are generally protected by law.