NURSING 2I04 Study Guide - Final Guide: Primum Non Nocere, Deontological Ethics, Paternalism

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Document Summary

Critical thinking is a learned skill we can use a systematic process to make clinical decisions. Inquiry linear, logical, systematically gain information: nurses use systematic steps: assess, plan, evaluate. Nursing dilemmas: client choice, quality of life, end of life decisions. Moral duty: nurses have to care for all patients who are at risk of harm. Making the right/wrong decision depends on the consequences. Rightness is the extent to which performing/not performing an action will contribute to overall well-being: we want to maximize happiness, example: isolating a patient with tb who refuses to take medications to protect public. The client"s isolation greater good over harm for majority. Rightness of an action is beyond the outcome: do not violate the basic rights of the patient. For example: nursing involves saving lives but a patient says dnr. Deontology is an ethical theory that defines actions as being right or wrong.