NURSING 1F03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Self-Assessment, Situation Two, Narrative Medicine

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Discuss the definitions of self-directed learning (sdl), small group learning and person based learning (pbl) within a small group problem-based learning (pbl) framework. Mcmaster nursing pbl model: person based learning within a problem based learning approach; the problem is person situated. Sgl = small group learning: cognitive abilities critical thinking plus social cohesion collaborative skills. Forming goals and evaluating learning outcomes: assuming responsibility for own learning. Scl = student centred learning: motivation to learn. Identify issues, challenges, problems, strengths: encounter person through situation, explore pre-existing info and current knowledge base, generate hypothesis. Identify info gaps: research learning, apply new knowledge to hypothesis, assess and reflect on group. Rideout and carpio: problem, terms reviewed, hypothesis generated/assumptions are made, learning issues and info, knowledge gained through independent study is discussed, reflect on content and process of learning. Describe the tutor and the student roles in sdl, small groups learning and pbl. Tutor: builds learning environment, helps students determine what.