MUSIC 1B03 Final: Music History Exam Notes

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Prior to the 19th century, most music performed outside of church was composed within living memory. By 1850 a basic repertory of musical classics had been created. The new field of musicology formalized the study of music of the past: complete works of composers were published such as: Bach, handel, mozart, beethoven, schubert and chopin. Since germans did much of the scholarly work, composers from. Germany became the primary focus: little known works of the renaissance and baroque were collected and published in a number of sets and monuments. Performers and audiences had both old and new works available to them. Brahms sought to create works within the classical traditions. Wagner and liszt saw the legacy of beethoven pointing toward new genres and musical approaches. These divergent views polarized around brahms and wagner. Composers debated the relative merits of: absolute and program music, tradition and innovation, classical genres and forms and new ones.