MUSIC 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Speech-Language Pathology, Leo Kanner, Wait List

13 views6 pages
8 Apr 2021

Document Summary

In music therapy - creating music that has not been created before. Create music which has not been created before. Ie) playing only on the black key of the piano. Can be daunting to create music in the moment. Playing rules - within these rules, the client is encouraged to freely explore and express. Doing what the client is doing at the same time ( allows client to see themselves in the therapist ) https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=dsbp0ffqvm8. Therapist creates music that is compatible with the client"s ( matches ) Not matching at the exact same time. Creating a musical anchor for the client. Grounding - but still able to self express. Musical anchor & container ( container strong patterned music which provides a structure for musical chaos ) Client self expresses and music therapist will respond. Practice social skills and turn taking ( matching 2 mt students ) ( dialoguing in session, child & mta )