MEDRADSC 3Y03- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 47 pages long!)

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Objectives: terminology, history of bioethics, tuskegee experiment, belmont report. What is medical bioethics: combination of medicine, law and philosophy, bioethics is typically controversial ethics brought about by advances in biology and medicine. Bioethics is a demi-discipline: bioethicists, collect a plethora of facts. Listen to each other and other advisors: through recommendations, move issue being debating towards closure, public discourse- uses reports and publications as part of discussion. The birth of bioethics: physician behaviors (medical ethics) with patients has been around since hippocrates 460bc- 370 bc: between 1962 and 1976 something changed! In truth, they did not receive the proper treatment needed to cure their illness: some of the people got syphilis while a part of the program. In july 1972, an associated press story about the tuskegee study caused a public outcry led by the assistant secretary for health and scientific affairs to appoint an ad.