MECHENG 2A03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Rough Copy, Technical Writing

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I attended the training session that took place on september 20th, 2011 in the mcmaster university. The purpose of this training was to enhance the knowledge of the writing process, which will help us develop better technical writing skills. There are six steps in the writing process, which can be characterized into before writing steps and while writing steps. Technical writing can also be summarized with a technical writing triangle, which consists of three parts the informed writer, practical purpose and readers with diverse needs. The six step writing process is a very efficient way to write a technical report. Write a brief objective(s) statement: it explains the main reason you are writing the report. Tells the reader what the writer expects from them. Be aware of your audience: this section is sub-divided into obstacles your readers face, reader technical expertise, decision-making level of readers and what do the decision-makers want.