LIFESCI 2N03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Casein, Lean Body Mass, Myocyte

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Increasing size and number of contractile proteins (actin and myosin) within the muscle fiber. Muscle growth is a result of the synthesis (transcription/translation) of new muscle proteins (muscle protein synthesis) Changes atomic mass of phe by 6 (m+6) Increasing protein consumption icnreases myofibrillar protein production until it plateaus at about 0. 24 g/kg. Excreted via urea cycle - peed out very quickly. Not being stored, we"re getting rid of it. Doses spread out over the day were the best (frequent and moderate doses are best) It takes 45-90 minutes for a protein dose to get turned into myofibrillar protein. 24 hours after the exercise - muscles were still sensitive to protein supplementation. 20 g is the sweet spot - the rest is oxidized. Leucine is the main amino acid driving mps. Carbs add no benefit when enough protein is consumed (even after resistance exercise) Whey protein was the best during weight loss.