[LIFESCI 2A03] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 24 pages long Study Guide!

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Empirical knowledge measurements derived from data or observation. Painter reported 48 chromosomes in human cell: many people stopped counting, he looked at through metaphase via serial sectioning. Are curled in and out of focal point. And there might be difference in males vs females. Chromsomes were prepared using techniques that squashed them out as a pose to serial sectioning. Additional treatments prevented fragmentation and preserved these chromosomes: hypotonic treatment (hsu, treatment with colchicine (levan) A jury must decide if innocent (null) or guilty (alternative hypothesis) Only significant evidence must be presented to support the guilt. If there is a mistake: the person is actually innocent but the jury returns a guilt. Falsely accepting a null hypothesis: the person is actually guilty but the jury returns innocent. Plant cutting used to produce clone of plant (vegative or asexual reproduction) Whole adult plant can regrow from plant piece: of stem, leaf or root.