KINESIOL 2YY3- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 169 pages long!)

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The cv system is a transport mechanism for the human body, it transports: As the mitochondria use oxygen, we need to deliver it to them. We need to get rid of the carbon dioxide that gets produced. Need to get it out of our muscles and get it to other parts of the body that can actually use it. Send the blood to the skin / sweat to cool down after exercise. Blood vessels (vasculature): network of tubing that connects parts of the body to each other. Blood enters from body on the right side of heart. Area for gas exchange through capillaries (to become oxygenated) There are a lot of capillaries in the lungs for gas exchange to occur. The blood moves from lungs to the left side of the heart, which has a large role in pumping blood to entire body role in pumping blood to entire body.