[KINESIOL 2E03] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (114 pages long!)

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Hallux ( big toe ) has two phalanges, little toes have 3 phalanges. 3 parts of the foot: rear: talus, calcaneous. Joint under the talus joining /articulating with the two subtalor joint: midfoot: 3 cuneiforms + cuboid + navicular, forefoot: metatarsals / phalanges. Large area of contact with ground calcaneous. Accepts body weight from above: leg talus 2 others. Talus is point at which body weight comes into foot. Body weight pushes down leg pushes on talus which has two articulations front and back: presses downward load out into calcaneous (back joint) and navicular (front joint, through navicular through cuneiforms into toes. All about sharing and being flexible; forward transfer / distribution. As you add more bones / joints you increase flexibility since you increase degrees of freedom. Build the arches of the foot: twisting, rising and collapsing (supination and pronation of foot )