KINESIOL 2C03 Final: Final Exam Review Notes

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So are oxidative: use o2 better to generate atp ,as long as the person"s breathing they can generate atp continual contractions for longer periods of time. So generates less force, but maintains contractile activity for much longer; higher resistance. Oxidative phosphorylation uses the substrates carbs, fats, proteins, glycogen: occurs in mitochondria. So have more and larger mitochondria more oxidative phosphorylation taking place. Greater oxidative enzyme activity greater utilization of o2 (reactions at a greater rate) Binds to oxygen, acts as an o2 reservoir. Myoglobin stores o2, so the fibre doesn"t just rely on diffusion. Facilitates o2 diffusion from capillaries, movement of o2. Myoglobin (has iron + o2) gives muscle its red colour change in colour due to change in oxidative state of iron. Red muscle: predominance of slow type i fibres (eg. dark meat) White muscle: predominance of fast type ii fibres (eg. white meat) Need to get o2 to muscle fibres from capillaries that surround the fibres.