KINESIOL 1YY3 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Prostatic Urethra, Prostate, Urethra

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Cartilage piece holding the hip bone together on the anterior side. When we leave the urethra there is the internal sphincter comprised of smooth muscle (from circular of bladder) In males, the urethra is longer bc it moves thru the penis & is divided into 3 sections: prostatic urethra. Brings urine from the bladder in thru the prostate gland. Also the region where the urethra connects to the tubules producing the male reproductive cells so they all join together in this region this is the region where they merge together. Gets fluid from the bladder in the urine and also seminal fluids & spermetc. Testes = where gamete/sperm cells are produced & connected to that region in the prostate via tubes: intermediate membranous urethra. After the urethra exits the prostate gland, it becomes the intermediate urethra. Moves thru skeletal muscle region of the perineum where we have the external.