KINESIOL 1E03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Mental Chronometry, Polskie Radio Program I, Physical Therapy

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2. 3: exteroception - most of it is vision. System a bit slow, change initial plan (walking on ice vs no ice) Know where body parts are in relation to the rest of the body. Functions of the vestibular system -> helps to stabilize our gaze (vestibulo-ocular reflex [vor]) Cutaneous receptors (tactile receptors - 4 types: slow->deep/surface, fast- >deep/surface), several specialized detectors of pressure, temperature, touch, etc. Cutaneous mechanoreceptor: a sense organ that responds to mechanical stimuli such as stretch, pressure, or vibration, these are critical for haptic sense. Slow adapting: fire as long as a stimulus is applied (continuous) - continuously firing. Rapid adapting: fire at stimulus onset and offset (transient) - fires when it is present then shuts off. Muscle spindles are sensitive to muscle stretch & rate of stretch. Golgi tendon organs (gtos) sensory receptors embedded within the musculotendon junction that detect muscle force muscle contraction lengthens the gto causing shortening of ib afferent and increase in firing.