KINESIOL 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Globulin, Central Canal, Coracoclavicular Ligament

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Four main tissue types: epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous. Covers most surfaces, organs and cavities inside and out. Functions include protection, secretion, absorption, excretion, and sensory reception. Cells arranged in continuous sheets that heal rapidly. Apical (or free) surface faces a body cavity, the lumen, or tubular duct. Basal surface of deepest layer anchors epithelium to basement membrane. Thin extracellular layer composed of: basal lamina. Layer closest to, and produced by, epithelial cells. Laminins adhere to integrins in the hemidesmosomes of basal epithelial cells, thereby adhering the epithelium to the basement membrane: reticular lamina. Secreted by fibroblasts in underlying connective tissue. Serves as point of attachment and support for overlying epithelium. Acts as diffusion barrier: epithelium is avascular, therefore blood vessels in connective tissue must provide nutrients to epithelial cells by diffusion through basement membrane. Cancerous cells that have crossed the basement membrane are said to have metastasised. Two ways of classifying: number of cell layers, simple epithelium.