KINESIOL 1A03 Final: Human Anatomy and Physiology I final exam

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2016-12-10 1:10 am: equilibrium or balance of body"s internal environment, body has multiple redundant and that is backup mechanisms to maintain internal environment, maintained by regulatory processes. Official definition of homeostasis: existence and maintenance of relatively constant environment within body, ability/ tendency of organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting physiological processes. Terminology: for homeostasis we will see values of variables fluctuate around a given set point (central value) to establish normal range, set point, ideal normal value of variable. Role of organ systems: structures that come together to help control body"s internal environment. How do we maintain homeostasis: feedback systems: negative feedback, 3 components: Considered afferent cause receptor can have input on control centre itself. Considered efferent as it flows away from control. Stimulus: centre: deviation from set point; detected by receptor. Response: produced by effector to get homeostasis.