HTHSCI 3BB3 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Impaired Glucose Tolerance, Trans Fat, Gestational Diabetes

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T1dm = insulin dependent diabetes mellitus; rarer; childhood; uncommon family hx; sudden onset; polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia; insulin needed for survival. T2dm = non-insulin dependent mellitus; more common; over 40 yrs; common family hx; gradual onset; may or may not have symptoms; insulin required by some. Glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition. Impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose during pregnancy tolerance places individuals at risk of developing diabetes and its complications. Obesity, sedentary lifestyle, aging population, aboriginal people more; 80% of new canadians are from high risk population. The gut and incretins: healthy eating, physical activity, smoking cessation, stress management (stress can glucose) Fruits, veggies, nuts and beans, dairy, fish and monounsaturated fats cvd and diabetes risk. What does evidence say about intermittent fasting and. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like the keto diet? a pauper. Keto diet = high protein and fat. People with possible cvd or microvascular complications should be assessed.