[HTHSCI 3BB3] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (36 pages long!)

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Fat soluble vitamins: vitamin a, vitamin d, vitamin e, and vitamin k. There are only 4 fat soluble vitamins. They do need the fat to be absorbed into the body. Requirement for dietary fat and bile acids for absorption in the intestine. Chylomicrons are the transport system for fat molecules, they travel with triglycerides in the lymph to enter bloodstream and travel through the body. Fat-soluble vitamins able to be stored in body, increases danger of building up to toxic levels. Animal sources tends to be preformed whereas plants contain the provitamin form (carotenoids). Both must be detached from proteins by pepsin in stomach for absorption preformed is better a(cid:271)so(cid:396)(cid:271)ed, less -carotene is absorbed with greater intake and less is converted to vitamin a. Vitamin a can build up to toxic levels, too much can cause birth defects in pregnancy. Animal sources absorbed more easily because it is active form of vitamin.