[HTHSCI 3BB3] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (26 pages long)

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Document Summary

The scientific method starts with asking a question that is usually based on some observation. Then you do some background research and construct a hypothesis. We want to then test the hypothesis by doing some sort of an experiment. After this, the data needs to be analyzed and a conclusion is drawn. Lastly, the results are reported and you find out if the hypothesis was correct or not. Theory comes about when this is done a few times. We have the weight of the evidence saying this is the way it works. Quantifiable data can you measure the information in a scientific manner. Appropriate number of subjects is the population large enough and pertinent to the study. It gets a bit tricky with nutrition for suitable study duration because it takes many years to see the effects of things like eating pattern so we see a lot of observational studies for this. Experimental group: variable being tested is present.