HTHSCI 2RR3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Canada Health Act, Public Health Nursing, Michael Marmot

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Social determinants of health required media files (notes) Professor sir michael marmot: get minister of education, transport, finance, housing etc. to use budget to focus on health as well. Huge impact on health: take health equity more into account. Confronting what makes us sick: four determinants in particular income, housing, nutrition and food security, and early childhood development influence the health and well-being of canadians, recommendations on how to address these determinants: Recommendation 1: that the federal, provincial, and territorial governments give top priority to developing an action plan to eliminate poverty in canada. Recommendation 2: that the guaranteed annual income approach to alleviating poverty be evaluated and tested through a major pilot project funded by the federal government. Recommendation 3: that the federal, provincial and territorial governments develop strategies to ensure access to affordable housing for low- and middle- income canadians. Recommendation 4: that the housing first approach developed by the mental.