HTHSCI 2RR3 Final: Social Determinants of Health Final Exam Review

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Document Summary

Development in early childhood has a direct impact on health and provides a foundation for adults to build on (i. e. education, income status, Education is positively associated with income income is positively associated with health better ses = better health lifestyle) Psychosocial: stress, sense of control, family environment, social support. Life course: events/processes before birth (prenatal care) and during childhood (health and social circumstances) Political economy: economic resources, supports and services, physical environment/social relationships. Material: access to diet, housing, education, and recreational opportunities. Consider the hertzman origins of three health effects (table 10. 1): latent effects: biological; developmental early life experiences that produce health effects later i. e. low birth weight is a predictor of incidence of cvd and t2dm in later life. Pathway effects: experiences that set individuals onto paths that influence health, well-being and competence over the life course i. e. children who enter school with delayed vocabulary (lower expectations, poor employment prospects, greater likelihood of illness/stress, etc.