HTHSCI 2RR3- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 15 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Recognize that health and wellbeing includes individuals,families, communities, and populations. Understand the ways in which sdoh individually and collectively affect health. As tax payers, money spent on preventive approaches reduce the burden on our healthcare system, saving money in the long run. Upstream approaches: preventative measures and health promotion. Patients are a product of their environment- certain factors need to be considered when conducting health assessments and planning care. Everyone deserves an equal start at maintaining a their health. The pu(cid:271)li(cid:272) health age(cid:374)(cid:272)y of ca(cid:374)ada"s (cid:894)phac(cid:895) t(cid:449)el(cid:448)e key deter(cid:373)i(cid:374)a(cid:374)ts of health. The healthiest populations have an equitable distribution of wealth. Those with limited financial options and poor coping skills for dealing with stress experience an increase in a range of disease. Families, friends, and community support are associated with better health. Health status improves with level higher level of education- education is tied to socioeconomic status.