HTHSCI 2HH3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Typhoid Fever, Salmonellosis, Food Contaminant

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Immunocompromised typhoid fever: antibiotic therapy due to increased risk of complications. Salmonellosis: supportive therapy only, antibiotics needed when severe. Salmonella enterica: gram negative, bacillus shaped bacteria. Fever, abdominal pain, blood streaked inflammatory diarrhea (>10 bowel movements per day). Leading cause of foodborne illness in north america: chicken contamination, cattle excrete in feces and milk, associated with 2 conditions, typhoid (enteric) fever, typhi & Paratyphi stereotypes: enter bloodstream causing more serious infection, last up to 4 weeks, travel through bloodstream via phagocytes in the liver, spleen, bone, and gallbladder. Ingestion of contaminated food and water, fecal-oral route: hospital: routine practice & contact precautions, community: good hand hygiene after handling poultry, dog. & cat feces, avoid cross contamination or uncooked foods with raw poultry, pasteurization of milk and chlorination of water supply: typhoid fever: shed bacteria for >6 months. Ingestion of contaminated food and water; raw or undercooked meats, eggs, raw fruits and vegetables, seafood.