HTHSCI 2F03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Starling Equation, Oncotic Pressure, Bowel Obstruction

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Total water: 60% of 70kg = 42l. Pressure which needs to be applied to prevent the inflow of water across a semipermeable membrane. i. e. the ability of a solute to attract water. Oncotic pressure: form of osmotic pressure exerted by proteins. Pressure exerted by a fluid at equilibrium due to the force of gravity. Distribution between the ecf and icf is driven by differences in osmotic pressure only. Distribution w/i the ecf is determined by starling"s forces. Bowel obstruction fluid reabsorption 3rd space. Sudden diuresis on day 2-3 post op = recovery of ileus. Peritonitis ascites 3rd space loss loss. Single reading is not as useful as serial measurements before and after fluid challenge. Passive leg raising may be more useful than fluid challenge in determining response to fluids. Sustained in cvp suggests heart failure. Mount vernon formula (wt. x %burn)/2 = ml colloid per unit time. Can interfere c cross-matching therefore take blood for x-match before using.