HTHSCI 1H06 Study Guide - Middle Cerebellar Peduncle, Cerebellar Peduncle, Deep Cerebellar Nuclei

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Cranial nerves comes from each part of brainstem. Cerebral peduncles (white matter tracts) cortico spinal motor tracts. Descend through brainstem to reach areas of spinal cord. Pons are another white matter tract and are a bridge between left and right cerebellum, this is how cortex singles into cerebellum to get planned motor movements in and out of cerebellum. Their a relay nuclei from cortex to cerebellum. Medulla; pyramids with decussation (cortico spinal motor tracts). Once cerebral peduncles pass through pons, they appear at bottom of medulla. Decussation (crossing) of pyramidal tracts at bottom that cause left brain to control right side of body, and right brain to control left side of body. Lateral geniuculate nuclei of thalamus responsible for relay of sight and medial geniculate nuclei responsible for primary hearing. Cerebellum can see because it is connected to superior collicolus. Connections between cerebellum and brainstem are cerebellar peduncles (3 of them).