HTHSCI 1CC6 Study Guide - Final Guide: Epiglottis, Cecum, Parietal Cell

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In addition, the gi system aids in waste removal of indigestible food components, dead bacteria, cellular debris and some internally produced substances such as bilirubin. The gastrointestinal system performs several functions to accomplish its major role for the body: ingestion, propulsion, physical and chemical digestion, absorption and defecation. In this package you will learn how the structural details of gi system organs make possible the performance of these activities. As with all body systems, the gastrointestinal system does not work in isolation. Its activities are under the control of both the nervous and endocrine systems. Understanding the structure and functions of the gi system will provide a sound knowledge base for your nursing assessments in various functional health patterns. This knowledge will also help you understand the pathophysiology of gi disorders in health sciences 3. Throughout this package you will develop knowledge and understanding of: The location of selected organs of the gi system.