HTHSCI 1CC6 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stethoscope, Respiratory Center, Pleural Cavity

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Document Summary

In this package, the respiratory system and its role in the intake of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide is the focus of study. The function of the respiratory system can be understood by examining the processes of breathing, external respiration, transport of o2 to the cells, internal respiration, and transport of co2 back to the lungs. Health conditions associated with respiratory system malfunctioning are common. In your nursing role you will be caring for many people with acute and/or chronic respiratory illnesses. Knowledge of the normal structure and function of the respiratory system will help you to develop strategies to prevent respiratory illness, significant information for you to apply in health teaching about wellness. In health sciences 2 as you study the pathology of various respiratory diseases, you will build on this knowledge to understand the farreaching effects respiratory illness has on overall body functioning. Throughout this package you will develop knowledge and understanding of: