HLTHAGE 2K03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Traumatic Brain Injury, Canada Pension Plan, Social Stigma

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Occupational type & health: buliding a career, burnout and health impacts of different forms of work. Direct: health and safety, work place benefits, physical commissions of doing a job. Indirectly: work life balance, family functions which then impacts mental health, income we are making. Occupational burnout: occupational burnout: a work-related condition of psychological distress which results in disengagement and a lack of motivation at work (maslach, 1982) form of distress lack of engagement in our work, consequences include: Absenteeism: individuals more likely to be late for work, use their sick days all at once. Impaired job performance: not completing task to the ones ability. Decrease job satisfaction: can lead to leaving job or even job loss. Intention to quit/job loss/turnover: expensive to hire and retrain (bad for the company) Cynicism: holding negative views of work then carry over to life. Health and burnout: physical symptoms associated with stress and burnout: