HLTHAGE 2G03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Fritz Perls, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Gestalt Therapy

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The three approaches to psychotherapy efficiently demonstrates the vast differences among therapists using their own methods. All three therapists seek to provide a therapeutic movement in their client, gloria. The three therapist-client relationships lead to different outcomes between the two individuals. While certain methods may be more effective depending on the client, all three therapists have unique approaches on unravelling the unconscious mind. Dr. carl rogers uses a client-centered therapeutic approach, highly focusing on creating a genuine therapist-client relationship. This relationship is established by three key factors: for the therapist to relate to the client, for the therapist to care for the client, and for the therapist to understand what is inside the client"s mind. These factors create a safe environment for the client, who is then able to explore and share his or her own hidden feelings. Dr. rogers" stance on the genesis to mental illness is that the individual is unable to determine their innate desires.