HLTHAGE 2D03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Aying, Models 1, Acculturation

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Document Summary

Lecture 1: introduction & profile of canadian aging population and support needs. Demographic determinism: view suggests all our problems are caused by population aging and costs of (cid:498)looking after(cid:499) older. Summary: we need to pay attention but its not alarming/upsetting. Processes people go through to adapt to disability/restrictions: selection: choose to avoid or quit activities (adjusting), optimization: enhance our reserves to be able to continue the activity, compensation: psychological/behavioural responses that permit or improve functions (ex. Baby boom generation is currently the primary caregiving cohort to those who are already living in old age. We are living longer there will be more of us who are elderly. Many european countries have higher proportions of older adults than canada. Concerns about the rising # of older adults: declining health and meeting needs, availability of care givers. Children are geographically mobile: rising cost of formal health care (universal phenomenon)