HLTHAGE 2A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Research, Stanford Prison Experiment, Verstehen

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Ontology is the study of being, existence, or your view of the world, what is reality. Epistemology is the study of how knowledge is possible. Notions of what can be known and how knowledge can be acquired. Method is the most common approach in social research. Researcher starts by coming up with a theory that explains a particular phenomenon. Then deduces specific hypothesis from it that are tested with empirical data. When the deductive approach is put in operation, the researcher does not necessarily follow the exact linear sequence (ex. new hypothesis can come to mind after data is collected) Data is gathered not to test a theory, but to come up with the information required to construct a theory. Data gathering comes first, and creating concepts and theories comes out later. *it is impossible to conduct a study that is purely inductive or deductive*