HLTHAGE 1BB3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Bone Density, Sensory Memory, Gerontology

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Document Summary

Research is applied to create better life for older adults. Critical gerontology recognizes the social, political, cultural contexts on which older people live. The elderly are not the problem, but rather we live in a society that devalues the elderly. Ageism prejudice or discrimination against people based on age. Social gerontology examines social side of aging as well as practice-related issues. Micro: focus on individuals and their interactions. Macro: influence of social structures on experiences and behaviour. Interpretive perspective studies meaning and symbols how people give meaning to their interactions. Almost exclusively micro (how people define situations, hoe people create their social world, how people relate to one another) Functionalist perspective all parts of society serve a role (or function) to keep society in a state of balance. Structural functionalistic theories society as a system consisting of social institutions: society in constantly adjusting to internal and external pressures.