HLTHAGE 1BB3- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 31 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Multidisciplinary field of study, including medical professionals, clinical scientists, and social scientists. Aims to produce accurate knowledge about aging to improve the lives of older persons. A national, multidisciplinary scientific and educational association established to provide leadership in matters related to the aging population. Member of the international association of gerontology and geriatrics. Vision: to be the canadian authority on individual and population aging. Mission: improve the lives of older canadians through the creation and dissemination of knowledge in gerontological policy, practice, research and education. Focuses on the physical and mental conditions or diseases of the aging body and mind. In 2011, only 15 of 31 slots to train geriatricians were filled. 3% of doctors in training identified geriatrics as their first choice for medical specialty training. In 2012, 239 geriatric medicine specialists practiced in canada. Of these, 4% are under the age of 35, 59% are 35-54 and 34% are age 55 and older.