HISTORY 2R03- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 34 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

The indians were given this name by the europeans, used first by christopher columbus when he first thought he was in india. Humans believe that the first americans/natives arrived from siberia/asia in 13000 b. c They were following the land during the ice age and they were nomadic peoples. They were hunting big mammals when they arrived in america, which was an eden for hunters. The big mammals that they were hunting soon disappeared, and the nomadic people had to develop and advance. The second surge of immigration is called the athabascan which happened around 8000 b. c. and the inuit in 3000 bc. They went to the north/east part of america and their main source of food was fishing, they were proto agriculture and they were semi-permanent villages. There is a huge debate regarding the native population when the europeans arrived.