ENVIRSC 1G03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Phanerozoic, Submarine Earthquake, Paleozoic

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1-3 billion years old archean and proterozoic eon. 350-600 million years old phanerozoic eon, paleozoic era. 2. 5 million years - present phanerozoic eon, cenozoic era past 300 years phanerozoic eon, cenozoic era. Niagara escarpment resistant "cap rock" lockport dolostone: more easily eroded rocks below rochester shale. 400-500 million years old escarpment as a landform is young undercutting causes retreat of the falls formed by glacial and fluvial erosion. Limestone and dolostone: warm, shallow seas near old reefs lots of fossils lots of broken fossils behind and in front of reefs because of storms. Fossils and other features corals: made of calcite brachiopods vugs: irregular cavities trace fossils: worm holes. Tsunamis can be caused by: submarine earthquake submarine landslide: waves created over epicenter. Minimizing damage rollers, springs, and shock absorbers corner braces, struts and connectors anchor bolts and cable on bridge support columns no parking garages in shaking zone buildings wide at bottom and narrow on top.