[ENGINEER 2B03] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 29 pages long Study Guide!

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Math objects made using mathtype; graphs made using winplot. Please join github and contribute to this document. There is a guide on how to do this on my. Week 1 sustainability model: an simplification of reality that captures information useful and appropriate for a specific purpose linear product lifecycle: energy in and out at every stage. Page 2 of 15 closed-loop product lifecycle: recycling, re-use, energy only lost at consumer level. Ingenuity gap: the gap between requirements and solutions, which is caused by an increasing complexity (?) Focuses on: social sustainability: productive service to society, environmental sustainability: resources/land, economic sustainability: cost efficient. Seven revolutions: markets: compliance to competition, values: hard to soft, transparency: closed to open, life-cycle technology: product to function, companies responsible for entire product life-cycle, partnership: subversion to symbiosis, companies cooperate, time: wider to longer. Cash-flow period: time over which you are calculating effective interest rate. Interest [i]: compensation for giving up the money.