[EARTHSC 1G03] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 59 pages long Study Guide!

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Understand the many dynamic geological processes that shape the earth and its surface and subsurface components. Gain rock and mineral identification skills in both field and lab settings and will learn how to visualize and interpret 3-dimensional geologic structures. Labs 35% (4 @ 2. 5%, 5 @ 5%) September: plate tectonics, minerals, volcanoes, earthquakes. October: geologic structures, geologic time, streams and floods, gis. Geology: the science of the earth , which includes the study of the materials, processes, products, and history of the earth. The study of the whole earth system includes: lithosphere (rocks: hydrosphere (groundwater, atmosphere, biosphere. Increase our understanding of the earth system and apply their knowledge to benefit human society: ex. Structural geology mountain building, mapping ore deposits, etc. Geophysics prediction of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, petroleum exploration, etc. Earth radius = 6370 km: continent 100-1000"s of km, mountain 1000m, rock mm to m, minerals mm to cm, atom 0. 0000000014mm. St. helens 6 minutes: earthquakes a few seconds.