COMPSCI 1BA3 Final: Word tutorial notes EXAM REVIEW

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Document Summary

Margins- blank spaces around the edges of a documents content represented by the grey area. Paragraph mark- when the end of a paragraph if visible no printing mode is on. Rules- display page lengths useful as you work with different elements in a document. Print layout view- most common view, how it will be printed. Show hide button- shows and hides non printing characters. Auto complete- auto completes dates when beginning to type them, does not work for small words such as may because ma may be the beginning of many words. Undo and redo buttons are on the quick access tutorial. Ctrl plus left arrow or right moves by word. Alt ctrl page up or down goes to the beginning or end of the document window. Spelling checker- continuously checks your document as you work. Contextual spelling error- misuse of grammar such as then and than with a blue line.