COMMERCE 4SD3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Res Ipsa Loquitur, Livery Company

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2 whether she should have known by reasonable diligence. 1 facts to refute solely in possession of defin. 1 here she needs to show reasonable care given. 2 also argue he is a trespasser when hurt. 2 negligence by bibi re light not on. 2 issue whether persons who heard would think less of him or company. 2 take victim as find him (or pay full loss) 2 need to quantify lost interview may not have got the job anyways. 2 duty then not to recklessly disregard his well being. Ct follow precedent of equal or higher ct --- 3 (w/o equal it"s worth 2 marks) Crossed offer: offer that crosses in a media unaware of matching offer - 3. Example: i send you letter in mail to buy. Question 3: both out of 7 full marks. Bound by disclaimer if: read it [2 marks] vs, know writing there [2, notice of words [2] vs notice of wording [2] mills.