COMMERCE 3MB3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Marketing Buzz, Brand Equity, Absolute Threshold

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Absolute threshold: the minimum amount of stimulation that can be detected on a sensory channel (chpt2) Aesthetic market research: theatre tests for plots, endings. Asch phenomenon: (aka group think)the effect of a reference group on individual decision making that occurs because of a perceived pressure to conform to the stated opinions of the group members. group conformity (chpt11) Assimilation: adopt practices of the mainstream culture (canadian identity) Attention: the extent to which the brain"s processing activity is devoted to a particular stimulus (chpt2) Autonomy vs belonging: teens need to acquire independence so they try to break away from their families. Behaviour learning theories: assume that learning takes place as the result of response to external events as opposed to internal thought process (chpt3) Binary opposition: when two opposing ends of some dimension are represented such as good vs bad or nature vs technology.