COMMERCE 2MA3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Trade Dress, Total Quality Management, Observability

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November 9th 12:30-1:30pm cnh 104 (for c03) Chapter 9: product and service strategy: difference between goods and services. Continuum: classifying services, characteristics and quality (reliability, assurance, Unsought: classifying business products (installations, accessory equipment, Component parts, raw materials, mro, services: product quality (tqm, iso, national quality institute, malcolm bridge, benchmarking (internal and external) Match your strategy to theirs: product lines, product mix (length, width, depth, product life cycle (introductory, growth, maturity, decline) Growth: start to make profits and competitors enter. Maturity: supply exceeds demand for first time. Decline: start to have negative profits: fashions and fads, extensions of product life cycles (frequency of use, number of users, new users, change characteristics of product) Chapter 10: brands and product strategies: brand, stages of brand loyalty (recognition, preferences and insistence) Consumers start preferring product over other similar products. Consumers will not accept any alternatives (even if have to wait or pay more: types: