COMMERCE 2BC3 Final: Commerce 2BC3 Final Exam Review

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Encourages employees to spend time with clients and not at their offices by making employees reserve desks. Consultants work in teams depending on the size of the client and the project & travel all over: many quit for more stable jobs. To prevent turnover, accenture invests in employee learning: achieved 353% return on learning. Also reduce turnover by helping consultants manage their careers to recognize and take advantage of opportunities within company. As training continues to become more strategic (related to business goals), the distinction between training and development will blur: t&d will both be required and will focus on current and future personal and company needs. Importance of training and development: performance effectiveness. Ensure ee"s have skills needed to performs jobs. E. g. , create new products, serve customers, etc: talent retention. 85% of jobs in na and eu require extensive use of knowledge.