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Week 1: intro to hr management overview & objectives. Make money (provide living wages + doing things we wished to do) Make more money than they spend must generate sufficient income. Strategic : whatever we do (e. g. training, selection) result of corporate profits, we need to think strategically in advance (what do we do to prepare?, implications on what they will/going to do. Assist employees in achieving personal goals: short-term performance goals and long-term career goals. Commerce 2bc3: e. g. when training results in employees developing skills that are attractive to other organizations. Adapt to changing environment + labour force. 3 types of critical assets for companies that provide goods/services . Intangible assets (e. g. human capital, copyrights, brands: global challenge. Exporting their products overseas, building facilities in other countries, entering into alliances with foreign countries and engaging in e-commerce (cid:498)offshoring(cid:499) = export of jobs from developed countries (cid:523)e. g. usa) to countries were labour and other costs are lower.