COMMERCE 1BA3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Group Polarization, Groupthink, Role Conflict

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Role ambiguity, role conflict, status effects: 3 types of group tasks: Additive: performance dependent on the sum of the performance of individual group members. Disjunctive task: group performance is dependent on the performance of the best group member. Conjunctive task: group performance is limited by the performance of the poorest group member: 4 thing that can increase cohesiveness threat success size toughness of initiation, disadvantages. Time, conflict, domination, groupthink of group- decision making: factors that influence team effectiveness, formal vs. Formal: intentionally designed -> established organizations to facilitate the achievement of organizational goals (ie. committee) Informal: emerges naturally-> in response to common interest of members (ie. sports team) The degree to which a group is especially attractive to its members. Attractive: desire to be together, describe each other in favourable terms, constructive. The capacity for group pressure to damage: mental efficiency, reality testing: sense of reality can get skewed, moral judgement: moral compass, doing things against your values.