COMMERCE 1BA3 Study Guide - Stress Management, Role Conflict, Social Loafing

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Two or more people interacting independently(eventually interdependence) to achieve a common goal. Formal groups are established organizations to facilitate the achievement of org"l goals (they are intentionally designed) Informal groups emerge naturally in response to common interests of the org"l members (groups that emerge naturally, join a team through free will) Groups could be an important means to reach a desired outcome. (unions, hood watch) Group interactions could be desirable outcomes, the group interactions could be the reward itself. You join a group since you are attracted people that are similar or join groups of people that are different to learn from them. Typical stages of group development (first model read book: groups develop through a series of stages over time. Each stage presents the members with a series of challenges they must master in order to achieve the next stage: not all groups go through these stages.