COLLAB 2D03 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Extramarital Sex, Foreskin, Biphobia

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Prenatal sexual differentiation: (topic from textbook on test: aristotle believed anatomical differences between male and female was due to heat of semen during sexual relations. If sperm with x fertilizes ovum embryo will normally develop as female (xx structure) If sperm with y fertilizes ovum the embryo will normally develop as male (xy structure: after fertilization zygote divides repeatedly, few short weeks one cell becomes billions of cells. 3 weeks primitive heart begins to drive blood through embryotic blood stream. If the y is absent, ovaries begin to differentiate. October 22nd, 2014: rare embryos only have one x and they become female because they lack the y chromosome, one could say the blueprint for human embryo is female, and the genetic instructions in. Y chromosomes cause embryo to deviate from the female development course. Gender identity: psychological sense of being male or female, nature determines this, nuture* - psychologically neutral at birth= gender consequence of nurture.