CMST 2B03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Roland Barthes, Metalanguage, Polysemy

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Pick up projects wed april 19th 9am-1pm tsh 325. Provide specific examples: 3 paragraphs, intro, conclusion, thesis, know questions about specific research techniques (focus groups, content analysis) Role of theory quan: deductive, testing theory, make theory based off research / qual: inductive, generation of theory. Epistemology quan: positivism, based on real proof / qual: interpretivism, how do people interpret their reality. Ontology quan: objectivism / qual: constructionism, how reality is constructed for a certain person not stupid b/c get a d and some that get an a are dumb. Major steps of qual: generate research q, select relevant sites & subject, collection of relevant data, interpretation of data, conceptual & theoretical work, write up findings and conclusions. Marketing research: systematic gathering & recording of data of attitudes towards products and services, remember who we learnt about woman, in-depth interviewing. 4/3/17: focus groups, qualitative attempts to learn how people understand their consumption.